
Xml Parser


This will be help for XML parser


How to use comments

<!-- This is a comment which will be ignored by parser -->
  <text>Hello JANA MagicUI!</text>
<!-- This is another comment which will be ignored by parser -->

Commented block will be not rendered

  <!-- This will be not rendered and ignored by parser
  <text>Not rendered</text>

  <text>Hello MagicUI!</text>


How to use cdata section to use special characters in xml

  <text padding=""><![CDATA[You can use here any special characters which are not allowed in xml like <>&']]></text>


XML attributes are processed in order because in SwiftUI, the order of modifiers applied to a view is significant. SwiftUI processes these modifiers in sequence, affecting the final appearance and behavior of the view.

    <text font="largeTitle" background="yellow" padding="20">MAGIC UI</text>
    <text font="largeTitle" padding="" background="yellow">MAGIC UI</text>
