ZStack is a container that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.
ZStack is a container that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.
ZStack is a container that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.
ZStack is a container that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.
ZStack is a container that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.
<rectangle foregroundColor="red"/>
<text>RED color</text>
<rectangle foregroundColor="red" colorInvert=""/>
<text>Inverted RED color</text>
ZStack is a container that overlays its children, aligning them in both axes.
modifier is used to set the font of text-based views (like Text, TextField, Label, etc.) in your SwiftUI views. You can specify the size, weight, and style of the font using this modifier. The font modifier can take various parameters, including predefined text styles (like .title, .body, .caption, etc.) that automatically adjust to the user’s preferred text size, or custom fonts where you specify the font name and size.
Predefined system fonts
<section header="Predefined system fonts">
<text font="largeTitle">largeTitle</text>
<text font="title">title</text>
<text font="title2">title2</text>
<text font="title3">title3</text>
<text font="headline">headline</text>
<text font="subheadline">subheadline</text>
<text font="body">body</text>
<text font="callout">callout</text>
<text font="caption">caption</text>
<text font="caption2">caption2</text>
<text font="footnote">footnote</text>
Font and colors
<section header="Font and colors" footer="Various fonts with colors">
<text foregroundColor="red" font="body">RED body</text>
<text foregroundColor="green" font="caption2">GREEN caption2</text>
<text foregroundColor="blue" font="largeTitle">BLUE largeTitle</text>
<text foregroundColor="orange" font="custom:Courier;size:20">ORANGE Courier (20)</text>
System font with size and weight
<section header="System font with size and weight" footer="System font is San Francisco Font">
<text fontWeight="ultraLight">This is ultraLight text</text>
<text font="size:30;weight:regular">This is regular text</text>
<text font="size:30;weight:ultraLight">This is ultraLight text</text>
<text font="size:30;weight:thin">This is thin text</text>
<text font="size:30;weight:bold">This is bold text</text>
<text font="size:30;weight:heavy">This is heavy text</text>
Custom font and size
<section header="Custom font" footer="You can specify font name and font size Example:custom:Helvetica Neue,size:20">
<text font="custom:System;size:20">System (30)</text>
<text font="custom:Helvetica Neue;size:20">Helvetica Neue (20)</text>
<text font="custom:Helvetica Neue;size:24">Helvetica Neue (24)</text>
<text font="custom:Verdana Italic;size:32">Verdana Itali (32)</text>
<text font="custom:Courier;size:20">Courier (20)</text>
<text font="custom:Arial;size:30">Arial (30)</text>
<text font="custom:Georgia;size:30">Georgia (30)</text>
<text font="custom:Nonexisting font;size:30">Nonexisting font (30)</text>
navigationTitle is a modifier that sets the title of the navigation bar for the current view. This title represents the current navigation state and is displayed prominently in the navigation interface.
The text displayed as the navigation bar’s title.
(optional) Determines the style of the navigation bar title. It can take the following values:
Adopts the previous view’s display mode.inline
Displays a smaller, inline title suitable for secondary views.large
Shows a larger, more prominent title, typically used for top-level views.Default value: automatic
<text navigationTitle="My title">Content</text>
<zstack navigationTitleDisplayMode="inline" navigationTitle="Inline navigation title">
<color xignoresSafeArea="">green</color>
<text font="largeTitle">Content</text>
<zstack navigationTitleDisplayMode="large" navigationTitle="Large navigation title">
<color xignoresSafeArea="">green</color>
<text font="largeTitle">Content</text>
navigationBarTitleDisplayMode is a modifier that configures the display style of the navigation bar title for the current view. It determines how the title appears within the navigation interface.
(optional) Specifies the style of the navigation bar title.
Inherits the display mode from the previous navigation item.inline
Displays a smaller, inline title suitable for secondary views.large
Shows a larger, more prominent title, typically used for top-level views.Default value: automatic
<text navigationTitle="My title">Default display mode is auto</text>
<zstack navigationTitleDisplayMode="inline" navigationTitle="Inline navigation title">
<color xignoresSafeArea="">green</color>
<zstack navigationTitleDisplayMode="large" navigationTitle="Large navigation title">
<color xignoresSafeArea="">green</color>